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giovedì 3 novembre 2011

gauntlet hair **?'?**

interessante questo disco di esordio dei gauntlet hair. duo di chicago ,che ci regala un ottimo album a base di una specie di ibrido fra indie pop rock e dance!!! infatti i nostri mischiano sapientemente chitarre cristalline e rumorose ,con battuta dance e  claps ....non mancano i pezzi interessanti come keep time e top bunk pezzi pop assolutamente da non perdere ,ci sono anche  pezzi piu complessi e oscuri come shout in  tongue e overkill. pare che i nostri abbiano registrato questo album a casa della nonna di uno dei due componenti ,mentre la poveretta era andata in vacanza!!!gente strana questi gauntlet hair...
 interesting this debut album of gauntlet  hair. Chicago duo, who gave us a very good album based on a kind of hybrid between indie pop rock and dance! In fact, our expertly mixed crystal clear and loud guitars, with dance and claps joke .... no shortage of interesting pieces as keep time and  top bunk pop songs not to be missed, there are also more complicated and obscure pieces as in  shout in tongue and overkill. think that our having recorded this album at the home of a grandmother of two components, while the poor had gone on holiday! strange people gauntlet hair ...

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